We have arranged to provide these activities in a Community Centre near you. Why not contact us to find out more on 01928 592742. All of these programmes are FREE.
Specifically For Older People, we offer the following:
Technology For The Terrified:- We show you how to use Mobile Phones, Laptops, Kindles & E-readers.
Reading Books:- Why not try our group or you might like someone reading to you.
Bring and show sessions:- You can show off your hobbies and favourite pastime or crafts.
Hand Massage:- Are you lonely or would like more company? Why not try this provided by our friendly members who will be looking forward to meeting you.
Are you a single parent looking to get back into work?
Are you 16-18 years of age, do not have a job, not in education or any
training at the moment?
Why not join our group. We are here to help you. Join in with other residents in the same position as you. You will feel confident attending job fairs, job journey planning, interview skills and mock interviews, CV workshops, career talks.
Try Volunteering, You can try doing some work to increase your chances of getting that job.
Are you unemployed or looking to return to work? Do you need to get Work Ready?
If you are unemployed and looking for work, we have developed activities to help train you ready for getting a job. Would you like to practice hands-on skills like construction or landscaping? Have an opportunity to develop your artistic and creative side? We can offer you a national recognised qualification.
Along with improving your self-esteem and increasing your confidence you can achieve a Level One in Employability
New Start Businesses or looking to start your own business?
Perhaps you are unemployed, recently made redundant or facing redundancy? Do you have a great business idea? We can help you with the following: business planning, marketing, sales, book keeping, IT and computing. We can provide 1:1 support and business advice provided by our dedicated and experienced team.
Business Skills Training for existing businesses
We can help improve your performance and overcome the challenges of the current economy. We provide training in Retail Skills, Customer Service, Sales & Marketing, Time Management, Negotiation Skills and Building Great Relationships